Running Hemera:

Aether can be started from the command line or a desktop launcher. Options can also be set in ~/.config/sdr/aether/aether.cfg. For a complete list of options type "aether --help".

Command line arguments are described in detail here.

Configuration file parameters are described in detail here.

The 'Diagnostics/Information' Box

This window displays runtime info and diagnostic messages.

The 'Collapse/Expand' Button

The Collapse button minimizes Hemera, resulting in:

Clicking 'Expand' will maximize it again. Note that you can add '--collapsed' to an aether.cfg ddcNN line, causing Aether to minimize Hemera on launch. Eg., edit aether.cfg with:

ddc00 : --xpos 1648 --ypos   24 --frequency 14070000 --collapsed
to launch Hemera 0 in a minimized state.

The 'Debug Menu' Button

Just to the left of the logo is a button to launch a debug menu window:

The 'Edit Launchers and Configuration' Buttons

Half way down the screen is a row of controls for the client launchers. The client launcher feature allows starting any arbitrary program. A monitor thead is started to exec the client and watch for its termination. If the client dies unexpectedly the monitor notices and attempts cleanup.

The 'Band Selection' Buttons

These buttons (will someday) allow the selection of the operating band.

The 'Mode Selection' Buttons

These buttons (will someday) allow the selection of the operating mode.